Seminar of the Jean Monnet Chair: UE i el seu veïnatge

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On March 16 and 17, the second seminar was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair. Professors from national and European universities discussed relations with the immediate neighborhood of the EU: micro-states, EFTA, Switzerland, the Eastern Association and the Mediterranean. Fiscal fraud, migration or cooperation in security matters were of interest to the hundred students who attended virtually.


    • Dr. Marco Gestri University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy): EU – EFTA
    • Dr. Romualdo Bermejo García. University of Friborg (Switzerland): UE – Suiza
    • Dr. Valentín Bou Franch. University of Valencia: EU – Microstates
    • Dr. Victoria Rodríguez Prieto. Nebrija University: EU – Eastern Association
    • Dr. Roberto Perez Salom. University of Valencia. EU – Euro-Mediterranean Association
Dr. Antonio Blanc Altemir

Dr. Antonio Blanc Altemir

Dr. Roberto Perez Salom

Dr. Valentín Bou

Dr. Romualdo Bermejo

Dr. Marco Getri

Dra. Victoria Rodríguez



With the support of the European Commission