First Seminar of the Jean Monnet Chair
Download PdfThe activities of the Jean Monnet Chair: "EU promoter of free trade and multilateralism" have been successfully inaugurated with the online seminar "European Union in the era of the pandemic under the direction of Dr. Antonio Blanc Altemir.
Dr. José Luis de Castro Ruano, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. University of the Basque Country: "The EU, promoter of multilateralism: cooperation with the United Nations and threats to multilateralism"
Dr. Joaquín Alcaide Fernández, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. University of Seville: "The EU, promoter of multilateralism: the resolution of international conflicts"
Dr. Belén Becerril Atienza, Professor of EU Law, Deputy Director of the Royal University Institute of European Studies. CEU San Pablo University: "Brexit: main milestones and current moment of the negotiations"
Dr. Pablo Podadera Rivera, Head Professor of Applied Economics, Professor Jean Monnet "ad personam". University of Málaga: "Brexit: predictable consequences for both Parties in the economic and commercial sphere"
With the support of the European Commission