CEUSS. Dr. Antoni Blanc Altemir will give the conference: "The European Union in the face of current challenges and threats" at the UNED Associate Center in La Seu d'Urgell
Download PdfOn Tuesday, March 28, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., our Associated Center will host a first conference on the European Union.
Dr. Antoni Blanc Altemir, Professor of Public International Law and Director of the Jean Monnet Chair and European Center of Excellence, UdL-European Commission, will give the conference: "The European Union facing current challenges and threats".
The purpose of the conference is to expose the main challenges and threats facing the European Union at the moment after the arrival in power of Donald Trump in the United States, the impact of the exit of Great Britain (Brexit ) of the European Union, the management of the refugee crisis, relations with Russia after the annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine, as well as the stabilization of the euro.
The lecturer also wants to convey his final reflection on the future of the European Union and comment on what are the instruments to deal with these challenges and threats in a year 2017 where electoral elections have been planned for a large part of the countries of Europe (France, Holland and Germany) and where the eventual coming to power of certain parties could shake the stability of the European Union.