Learn about the European Union
Material in Catalan
La UE i jo
There you will discover the process of building the European Union, the values we share, who is in charge of what and the repercussions that all these factors have on our day to day life. In addition, you will learn about the many challenges the EU is currently facing, challenges that will likely affect your future as well.
Llibre blanc sobre el futur d’Europa
The White Paper presented by the European Commission on March 1 sets out possible ways for the future of Europe in the face of the large number of challenges it faces, from globalization or the impact of new technologies on society and occupation to security problems and the rise of populism. The White Paper sets out five possible scenarios towards which the Union could evolve.
Deu prioritats per a Europa
The European Union has to deal with unprecedented problems, ranging from high unemployment, slowing economic growth, economic uncertainties and the huge investment deficit to migratory pressure or environmental challenges and of security. To answer this, Jean Claude Juncker has established ten key priorities, which are explained in this publication, and which are the main objective of the EU institutions.
Europa en dotze lliçons
What is the European Union for? Why and how did it all start? How does the EU work? What has the EU achieved for its citizens and what challenges does it currently face?
These are some of the questions posed by Pascal Fontaine, an expert on the EU, in this edition of his popular publication Europe in Twelve Lessons. Pascal Fontaine was Jean Monnet's assistant and professor at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.
El funcionament de la Unió Europea
How are decisions made in the EU, which institutions are responsible for making them? This publication provides an overview of the way in which European legislation is drawn up and provides information on EU institutions, agencies and bodies.
Viatjant per Europa
In this leaflet you will find practical advice for traveling in the EU: what documentation you need, in which countries you can use the euro, road safety, passenger rights or health care, among others. There is also a map of Europe. This guide is a must if you want to travel in the EU.
Declaració Schuman en català
On May 9, 1950, almost five years after the end of the Second World War, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Schuman, announced the French government's proposal to create the European Coal and Steel Community, the first step to ensure that France and Germany would never face off in a war again. The Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona has translated the Shuman Declaration into Catalan.